F-Gas - Are you compliant?
Know the facts:
F-Gas legislation came about to meet the directives of the Kyoto Agreement.
In the United Kingdom the following requirements need to be met EC Regulation 842/2006 and the GB Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Regulations 2009 (statutory Instrument No.261).
Operator Responsibilities
(Operator is the legal person exercising actual power over technical functioning of the equipment and systems-usually these powers lie with a single natural or legal person, normally the owner).
The operator has a legal obligation to
- Take steps to prevent F-Gas leakage
- Have regular leak checking by qualified engineers holding C&G 2079 - Category 1
- Have automatic leak detectors fitted on equipment containing >500 Tonnes GWP equivalent CO2 of F-Gas
- Maintain suitable records of equipment containing >5 Tonnes GWP equivalent CO2 of F-gas
TOB Customer aims
TOB Environmental as a company is of the belief that it is their responsibility as a service provider to work with their clients to enable them to achieve full F-Gas compliance of their premises regardless of the level of maintenance agreement.
To this end as part of any maintenance agreement during the first maintenance visit
- F-Gas site log book will be produced
- Full systems leak test and operating logs will be carried out
- Full report of system conditions along with any recommendations or repairs required to achieve full compliance under the legislation.
TOB Commitment to Service
As a commitment to providing this service TOB Environmental has
- All Service Technicians holding F-Gas qualification C&G 2079 and suitable industry training
- Company holds all relevant F-Gas and hazardous waste registrations
- Vehicles equipped with state of the art compliant reclaim equipment, tools, bottles and various gases to facilitate first time repairs
Please use the link for valuable information supplied by F-Gas Support on the following subjects
- RAC1 - Overview
- RAC2 - Usage of F-Gases and ODF
- RAC3 - Key Obligations
- RAC4 - Getting Started
- RAC5 - Certification of Personnel and Companies
- RAC6 - Practical Guidance
- RAC7 - Refrigerant Selection
- RAC8 - HCFC phase out